Friday, March 21, 2014

cara mendapatkan wang dari blog.

Tips dan Cara Mendapatkan wang Dari Blog - Internet

Tips dan Cara Mendapatkan wang Dari Blog (internet) - Pada tutorial cara membuat blog di blogger yang lalu pernah saya sampaikan kepada sahabat blogger yaitu apa niat Anda untuk menggeluti aktivitas blogging dan mau dibawa kemana nantinya blog yang telah Anda buat. Berdasarkan survei yang saya lakukan bahwa hampir 78% para blogger setelah membuat blog memiliki tujuan komersil. Artinya adalah memfokuskan blog atau websitenya sebagai mesin pencari/penghasil uang/duit sehingga membentuk passive income dan dalam jangka yang relatif panjang.

Menghasilkan uang dari blog atau website pada saat sekarang ini dapat dikatakan bukanlah hal yang tabu lagi, hal ini memiliki keterkaitan dengan perkembangan teknologi dan internet yang begitu pesat di era globalisasi seperti sekarang. Berdasarkan informasi yang saya dapatkan sudah banyak sekali blogger yang retire young (pensiun muda) dari pekerjaannya di dunia nyata karena mampu menjadi kaya dari blog atau website yang di kelolanya tanpa harus bekerja, tentu Anda menginginkannya bukan? yah, saya juga sama seperti Anda.

Ada banyak cara menghasilkan uang lewat blog atau website, namun disini saya akan menjelaskan hanya beberapa saja, yaitu blog menghasilkan uang yang paling sering diterapkan oleh blogger lain. Namun jika Anda menguasai marketing mix dan pengembangannya dalam bisnis online mungkin Anda lebih tahu tentang hal ini.

Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dari Blog

Untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet yaitu melalui blog atau website, banyak hal yang harus kita kuasai, selain teknik/strategi marketing online Anda juga dituntut untuk menguasai teknik seo. Selain itu Anda juga harus mampu merangkum banyak pengunjung blog/website untuk masuk kedalam blog atau website yang Anda miliki (baca: cara meningkatkan pengunjung blog). Berikut adalah strategi untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog atau website yang sering digunakan oleh kebanyakan blogger.

1. Menjadi Publiser Iklan PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Bagi Anda yang sudah lama menggeluti aktivitas blogging, mungkin sudah paham apa itu iklan ppc. Namun sedikit penjelasan dari saya bagi sahabat yang belum mengetahui iklan ppc adalah iklan internet model yang digunakan untuk mengarahkan lalu lintas ke situs web, di mana pengiklan membayar penerbit biasanya pemilik website ketika iklan diklik.

Di Indonesia telah banyak penyedia layanan untuk iklan ppc ini diantaranya yaitu:

  • Kliksaya

Situs atau website merupakan salah satu penyedia iklan PPC lokal yang populer. Telah banyak blogger yang menjadi publiser dari website penyedia layanan iklan ppc ini karena kredibelitasnya terhadap publiser termasuk saya. Sedikit informasi, dengan menjadi publiser iklan ppc kliksaya, saya sudah mendapatkan hampir jutaan rupiah perbulan dari blog-blog yang saya manage. Untuk itu saya merekomendasikan kepada anda untuk menjadi publiser iklan ppc dari klik saya, karena saya sendiri sudah merasakan hasilnya.

Untuk mendaftar menjadi publiser iklan PPC kliksaya silahkan Klik Disini

  • Kumpul Blogger
  • AdsenseCamp
  • IdBlognetwork dll
Masih banyak situs penyedia iklan ppc lokal dan asing lainnya yang tidak dapat saya uraikan seperti google adsense dll.

2. Text Link Ads

Selain menyediakan space banner iklan untuk advertiser di blog atau website yang kita miliki, Anda juga dapat memberikan sebuah space text link ads yang mengarahkannya ke blog atau website yang ingin memasang text link di blog Anda. Namun sebelumnya perlu saya sampaikan kepada Anda bahwa advertiser akan lebih tertarik beriklan melalui text link kepada blog atau website yang memiliki pagerank yang tinggi. Silahkan Anda banca cara mendapatkan pagerank google. Biasanya value/nilai (harga) dari text link ads di ukur dari seberapa tinggi google pagerank dan seberapa rendah alexa rank blog atau website Anda. Artinya semakin besar google pagerank blog Anda maka harga yang bisa Anda berikan relatif tinggi.

3. Menyediakan Space/Spot Iklan di Blog

Mendapatkan uang dari internet (blog/website) yang paling sering dilakukan oleh para blogger adalah dengan strategi menyediakan space iklan banner. Untuk membuat space banner di blog, silahkan baca tutorialnya di cara membuat kotak iklan di blog, atau membuat iklan floating. Namun sebelumnya saya juga ingin mengingatkan kepada Anda jagan terlalu banyak memasang iklan di blog, karena juga ada sisi negatifnya dan jika Anda ingin membuat space banner, buatlah dengan rapi dan teratur agar kelihatan profesional dan tidak mengganggu pengunjung blog Anda ketika membaca salah satu artikel yang ada dalam blog atau website.

4. Menjual Produk (barang atau jasa)

Jika Anda memiliki produk atau jasa berupa keahlian yang bisa dijual, kini melalui internet/toko online Anda dapat menjualnya dan manghasilkan uang seperti yang telah saya katakan diatas tadi. Informasi tambahan yang perlu saya sampaikan kepada Anda bahwa, perkembangan bisnis online saat sekarang ini menjadi sorotan para pemain bisnis untuk mendapatkan peluang dalam menghasilkan uang. Mengapa demikian? hal ini juga tidak terlepas dari perkembangan teknologi dan subtansialnya serta kemudahan serta kenyamanannya dalam bertransaksi, akan tetapi tidak terlepas dari resiko didalamnya. Berbicara resiko (risk) memang tidak dapat kita hindari dalam bisnis, pasti akan selalu ada, sekarang bagaimana kita memanage resiko tersebut hingga sekecil mungkin. Untuk jasa, mungkin Anda dapat menjual kemampuan dan keahlian Anda dalam mendesain blog/website serta ilmu teknik seo yang Anda miliki dll.

5. Menulis Paid Review Produk

Paid review adalan salah satu bisnis yang dapat menghasilkan uang dari dunia internet melaui blog atau website dengan cara menuliskan review suatu produk (barang/jasa) tertentu. Isi dari review itu sendiri bertujuan untuk mengundang pengunjung untuk menggunakan/membeli produk tersebut. Cara kerja Paid Review, Advertiser akan membayar kepada Anda karena produk atau jasanya telah direview dalam bentuk artikel atau pun postingan di blog atau website milik Blogger tersebut. Dan yang mempertemukan Advertiser dengan Blogger disebut Broker. Jadi semakin banyak kita mereview, maka semakin besar pula keuntungan yang akan kita dapatkan. Jika Anda memilih untuk mendapatkan uang dari paid review ini, strategi atau teknik yang harus Anda kuasai adalah SEO dan cara menulis artikel berkualitas dan menjual. Sehingga ketika orang yang membaca review dari artikel yang Anda tulis berkeinginan untuk membeli dan menggunakan produk yang Anda review. Biasanya semakin banyak orang yang membeli produk tersebut maka pihak advertiser yang menjali kerjasamanya kepada Anda akan berlangsung secara continue.

Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi cara mendapatkan uang dari blog melalui internet seperti mengikuti kontes SEO namun karena artikel ini sudah terlalu panjang dan mungkin Anda juga sudah jenuh membacanya, maka saya cukupi sampai disini dulu. Pastikan Anda terus mengunjungi super blog pedia untuk mengetahui update artikel yang akan saya posting pada kesempatan berikutnya. Jika Anda tidak ingin ketinggalan, silahkan berlangganan artikel via email gratis melalui form berlangganan dibawah ini.

Sebelum Anda beranjak untuk membaca panduan blogger atau artikel lainnya, saya sangat senan sekali jika Anda bersedia meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk Like dan Share serta memberi G+1 pada artikel ini, agar sahabat blogger lainnya juga dapat membacanya. Terimakasih sebelumnya saya ucapkan, sukses selalu untuk Anda.
Dapatkan update artikel tutorial blogger terbaru dan informasi bermanfaat serta Ebook Gratis dari Super Blog Pedia yang akan dikirim langsung ke Email kamu caranya:
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Buat Duit Dengan AdSense

Adsense adalah sebuah program advertising yang diselenggarakan oleh search engine peringkat atas yaitu Google. Google menerima iklan-iklan yang akan ditampilkan oleh google melalui situs-situs yang terpasang iklan. Apabila ada yang mengklik iklan disitus itu, maka pemilik account akan mendapatkan komisi dari google, berupa dollar yang dibayarkan setiap 100 dollar. Istilah tersebut di kenal dengan nama pay per clik. Setiap klik dari situs itu ada yang berbayar mulai 1 sen sampai 25 dollar, tergantung berapa mahal iklan tersebut dihargai oleh Google.Coba bayangkan anda mempunyai 10 situs yang telah terpasang iklan google. Kemudian situs/web anda dibaca oleh 10 orang per hari secara on line di internet. Dengan harga per kliknya misalkan 1 dolar. Hitung berapa dollar pendapatan anda perhari melalui situs -situs tersebut Pendapatan anda perhari adalah 10 situs x 10 dolar = 100 dolar / perhari. Kalo sebulan, anda bisa hitung sendiri.
  1. Mempunyai alamat email. Sebaiknya email dari (buat email di
  2. Mempunyai web dalam bahasa Inggris. Lebih disukai web dari adalah fasilitas dari Google, sehingga lebih mudah dalam mendapatkan account dari Google. Anda dapat mengcopy paste artikel bahasa Inggris ini untuk mendapatkan sebuah artikel dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena dengan artikel ini saja akan disetujui oleh Google
  3. Setelah web sudah tersedia, masuk ke, pilih sign up. Kemudian ikuti langkah-langkahnya.Sandi dan pasword diisi alamat email dari
  4. Tunggu 2 - 4 hari, anda akan mendapatkan jawaban dari google.
  1. Masuk ke account google anda. Pilih adsense set up, klik continue sampai muncul Script dari google. Kemudian klik kanan dan copy. (minimize)
Buka web blog anda. Pilih kustomisasi. Tambahkan halaman HTML. Kemudian pilih Java Scrip, Klik kanan, paste. Simpan dan lihat di blog anda. Iklan dari google langsung terpasang di blog anda. Apabila ada yang mengklik iklan tersebut. Maka anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari google.Anda bisa melihat bagaimana mengoptimalkan blog sebagai pencetak uang dengan melihat situs How to get money from blogContoh web yang sudah jadiCLICK HERE!
  2. Masuk ke /addurl, kemudian submitkan web ke search enggine, google
  3. Cara selanjutnya adalah dengan belajar Search Enggine Optimatizion, tetapi hal tersebut membutuhkan waktu lama. Cara yang mudah adalah dengan melakukan submision ke Free tool submition. Atau lebih mudahnya buka situs Pilih free web submition. Kemudian anda harus sering-sering mendaftarkan web anda lewat iklan baris gratis seperti dan direktory gratis.
  4. Ikuti langkah-langkahnya. Gampangkan. Anda harus sering-sering melakukan free web submition minimal 2 hari sekali selama +- 5 menit. Dijamin web anda akan dikenal dan terindex oleh google dengan cepat.Demikian sekilas tips tentang Google adsense.
Di dalam adsense, ada istilah keyword atau kata kunci yang harganya mahal, atau disebut high paying keyword. Kata kunci tersebut ada yang berharga 0,01 sen sampai 10 dollar, tergantung berapa mahal google akan membayar. High paying keyword bisa dilihat disitus-situs yang menyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
GOOGLE ADSENSEGoogle AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click)Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSEHow we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some.Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons!1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come casesThere are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now!The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model...Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on.With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc.GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc. GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc. GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc.

Buat Duit Dengan AdSense

Adsense adalah sebuah program advertising yang diselenggarakan oleh search engine peringkat atas yaitu Google. Google menerima iklan-iklan yang akan ditampilkan oleh google melalui situs-situs yang terpasang iklan. Apabila ada yang mengklik iklan disitus itu, maka pemilik account akan mendapatkan komisi dari google, berupa dollar yang dibayarkan setiap 100 dollar. Istilah tersebut di kenal dengan nama pay per clik. Setiap klik dari situs itu ada yang berbayar mulai 1 sen sampai 25 dollar, tergantung berapa mahal iklan tersebut dihargai oleh Google.Coba bayangkan anda mempunyai 10 situs yang telah terpasang iklan google. Kemudian situs/web anda dibaca oleh 10 orang per hari secara on line di internet. Dengan harga per kliknya misalkan 1 dolar. Hitung berapa dollar pendapatan anda perhari melalui situs -situs tersebut Pendapatan anda perhari adalah 10 situs x 10 dolar = 100 dolar / perhari. Kalo sebulan, anda bisa hitung sendiri.
  1. Mempunyai alamat email. Sebaiknya email dari (buat email di
  2. Mempunyai web dalam bahasa Inggris. Lebih disukai web dari adalah fasilitas dari Google, sehingga lebih mudah dalam mendapatkan account dari Google. Anda dapat mengcopy paste artikel bahasa Inggris ini untuk mendapatkan sebuah artikel dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena dengan artikel ini saja akan disetujui oleh Google
  3. Setelah web sudah tersedia, masuk ke, pilih sign up. Kemudian ikuti langkah-langkahnya.Sandi dan pasword diisi alamat email dari
  4. Tunggu 2 - 4 hari, anda akan mendapatkan jawaban dari google.
  1. Masuk ke account google anda. Pilih adsense set up, klik continue sampai muncul Script dari google. Kemudian klik kanan dan copy. (minimize)
Buka web blog anda. Pilih kustomisasi. Tambahkan halaman HTML. Kemudian pilih Java Scrip, Klik kanan, paste. Simpan dan lihat di blog anda. Iklan dari google langsung terpasang di blog anda. Apabila ada yang mengklik iklan tersebut. Maka anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari google.Anda bisa melihat bagaimana mengoptimalkan blog sebagai pencetak uang dengan melihat situs How to get money from blogContoh web yang sudah jadiCLICK HERE!
  2. Masuk ke /addurl, kemudian submitkan web ke search enggine, google
  3. Cara selanjutnya adalah dengan belajar Search Enggine Optimatizion, tetapi hal tersebut membutuhkan waktu lama. Cara yang mudah adalah dengan melakukan submision ke Free tool submition. Atau lebih mudahnya buka situs Pilih free web submition. Kemudian anda harus sering-sering mendaftarkan web anda lewat iklan baris gratis seperti dan direktory gratis.
  4. Ikuti langkah-langkahnya. Gampangkan. Anda harus sering-sering melakukan free web submition minimal 2 hari sekali selama +- 5 menit. Dijamin web anda akan dikenal dan terindex oleh google dengan cepat.Demikian sekilas tips tentang Google adsense.
Di dalam adsense, ada istilah keyword atau kata kunci yang harganya mahal, atau disebut high paying keyword. Kata kunci tersebut ada yang berharga 0,01 sen sampai 10 dollar, tergantung berapa mahal google akan membayar. High paying keyword bisa dilihat disitus-situs yang menyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
GOOGLE ADSENSEGoogle AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click)Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSEHow we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some.Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons!1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come casesThere are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now!The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model...Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on.With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc.GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc. GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc. GOOGLE ADSENSE Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment. OUR SERVICE Google adsense register & Build a personal Web Low cost and achievable Money Back Guarantee If You Can't Earn $$$ - We help you to be GOOGLE ADSENSE publisher Is Not Reseller - HYIP - MLM - Network Marketing- etc 100% Publisher - PPC Program (Pay Per Click) Join Business Program With GOOGLE ADSENSE How we can do that? its very easy even its free if you can do by your self. But for several people who don't know, it will be a difficult job and i can help you to be a google adsense publisher. You don't need to build a website and create google account, i'll create it for you ! Affiliate Marketing - The New Age of Business Affiliate Marketing - The Business Model for Start Ups? Getting started online can be VERY Confusing! With so many different ways to get started and so many opportunities bombarding your inbox each and every day, it can become daunting to some. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to get started for many reasons! 1) You don't have to invent the product 2) You don't have to worry about customer service and delivery 3) You don't have to be concerned with technical support if appropriate to the product 4) The market research has been done in part for you already (more on that soon) 5) Some tools are already provided, like graphics, text, and even content in come cases There are many other good reasons too, but we are focused on these right now! The simple fact that you do not have to create the product in the first instance saves you time and money. This already puts you ahead of the typical starting your own business model... Typically in the regular business environment, you need, stock, fixtures and fittings if in a shop or office, you need to spend money on product design, creation, marketing, shipping, the list goes on. With affiliate marketing, even with physical shipped goods, none of that is your concern in terms of effort, cost etc.

Monday, March 10, 2014

bagaimana untuk menjadi kaya

Memperkenalkan Bisnes Online yang dilengkapi
sistem automatik yang bekerja 24 jam sehari untuk
anda, memberikan anda pendapatan lumayan sehingga
RM12,000 sebulan.

Mahukah anda memperoleh 4 angka seminggu dan 5
angka sebulan dengan hanya berada di rumah tanpa
perlu bersusah payah memerah keringat dan
membanting tulang empat kerat hanya semata-mata
ingin mengkayakan orang lain?

Kini, kami ingin memperkenalkan kepada anda. suatu
sistem hebat yang akan bekerja untuk anda 24 jam
sehari. Sistem ini melakukan kerja 90% untuk anda
dan anda hanya perlu lakukan 10% kerja. Anda hanya
perlu menghadap PC dimasa terluang dan jana wang
anda dengan kuasa Internet tanpa henti.

Ini bukan MLM atau FOREX, tetapi teknik jana wang
terkini di Malaysia.

Buka minda anda dan saya minta hanya 2 minit masa
anda untuk membaca apa yang saya ingin sampaikan.

Sila klik link dibawah untuk mula...